We are happy to announce the availability of MySword 9.2 for download. MySword 9.2's major features are Text-to-speech improvements like New Repeat modes and Support for multiple languages for Bible and other improvements.

Please go to the Download MySword page.

What's new in Version 9.2

  1. Text-to-speech improvements:
    1. New Repeat modes:
      1. Continuous - goes to the next book.
      2. Repeat verse range - repeats a specified number of verses. Deluxe version allows more than one verse.
    2. Support for multiple languages (if it's available in the Default TTS Engine) for Bible modules:
      • The language field of the Details table of the Bible file should be properly set though to the 3 letter ISO code of the language (See About module); or
      • Go to the Download modules so that the mysword_modules.xml file in the mysword/download folder will be created and used as a source of the language mapping; or
      • Update the newly created file tts-module-language-map.txt in the mysword/mydata folder to include mapping for unofficial Bible modules.
    3. Interlinear support for mixed English and Greek or Hebrew for non-parallel view. Hebrew was not tested as it's not yet available in Google TTS.
    4. Support for Parallel Bible view (Premium).
    5. Repeat count for repeat page and verse range (Deluxe).
  2. Option to show commentary compare link on Commentary view at the right of the heading.
    1. On Other look and feel preference, there is Show compare in Commentary.
    2. Commentary link text is the same as in Commentary link for the Bible view.
  3. Dictionary view's heading can now be tapped to see the word in other similar dictionaries for Kitkat and higher similar to popups.
  4. Added Compact mode checkbox in Preferences under Display settings for devices whose Menu/Gear button doesn't work.
  5. Search improvement in selections (Deluxe): management of selections (add/delete/save/retrieve) in case there are more than 2.

Bugs Fixed in Version 9.2

  1. Menu/Gear button not working in some devices.
  2. In Nougat or higher, Dark Holographic Theme, the Search history, Select verse Type selector on top and the module selector of the Editor in Split mode (Deluxe) are not easily readable.
  3. Summary (Deluxe) bugs:
    1. Commentary and map links are included.
    2. Summary sentences don't have the original accents/diacritics where as the Summary highlight have them.

We are making MySword better. Thank you for your feedback.

Enjoy using MySword!

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Your giving is not a payment but a SEED sown to support this software project. Please note that we are not selling this app but we are giving these Premium Version and Deluxe Complete Edition as complimentary gifts to our generous givers. There is a minimum giving amount required to have the Premium Version and Deluxe Complete Edition. For more information please contact us.

After giving your seed, please wait for MySword Technical Support to prepare your activation code within 24 hours (our time zone is GMT+800). You will be receiving an email using the email you used in PayPal with instructions on how to activate.

If you were not able to receive your activation code, please email us using your alternative and reliable email address (Gmail or Yahoo).