
The Hebrew interpolated Study Bible (HiSB) and New Testament in the Original Greek – Byzantine Textform 2005 (Byz2005+) were uploaded today (18 Apr 2013). The Hebrew interpolated Study Bible was made available courtesy of and is the second official Interlinear module of MySword (ABP was the first one). The New Testament in the Original Greek – Byzantine Textform 2005 was made available courtesy of Chilton Book Publishing.

About Hebrew interpolated Study Bible (HiSB):

  • It was inspired by the various iHOT+ bibles in circulation, a tool that has been very helpful in Hebrew studies. The main Hebrew text and Strong's numbers are from David Troidl's 'morphhb' project at openscriptures, which is based on the text. The English gloss is mainly King James Version text with various edits (by Biblos) from the New American Standard Bible (Lockman Foundation, Inc.).
  • The Hebrew transliteration is a simple Israeli scheme. The edited transliteration text is from:

About New Testament in the Original Greek – Byzantine Textform 2005 (Byz2005+):

  • It was compiled and arranged by Maurice Robinson and William Pierpont. Website:
  • THE NEW TESTAMENT was written in Koine Greek during the first century AD. From the time of its original revelation, handwritten copies continually were prepared in order to maintain and preserve that original text into the modern era. All copies made prior to the invention of movable-type printing were made by hand, resulting in various scribal alterations, most of these being of a minor nature. Although the autographs no longer exist, and no two manuscript copies are completely identical, sufficient evidence exists from which one can produce an accurate representation of the original text by comparing and evaluating the overall manuscript consensus. Robinson and Pierpont have taken the utmost care in preparing that text for this edition.
  • Various other methods for restoration of the original NT text have fallen short of their goal, in part due to methodological subjectivity, and in part to a presuppositional bias against the claims of the Byzantine Textform. The texts created under such a bias tend to be based on only a handful of favored manuscripts, and fail to consider all transmissional factors in the preservation of the original text. As a result, the modern eclectic texts tend to preserve more of a caricature than the essence of the originals.
  • In contrast, Robinson and Pierpont have applied many of the same methods of textual criticism to their task, but without the anti-Byzantine bias. Their method of "reasoned transmissionalism" is based on the wider scope of manuscript transmission throughout history. The preface of this edition explains the basic method by which the present editors have arrived at their basic text. The appendix contains Robinson's essay, "The Case for Byzantine Priority," which presents a rationale for and defense of the theory and methodology that has been applied in the preparation of this edition.

You may download these Bibles by going to the Download page:

Alternatively, you can also download them directly via MySword running in your Android device. Just go to Menu->More->Download modules. Then select the module type, language (if any), then the modules, and start downloading.

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