We are happy to announce the availability of MySword 9.3 for download. MySword 9.3's major features are Named selections for Compare and Parallel, Single column Parallel view and other improvements.

Please go to the Download MySword page.

What's new in Version 9.3

  1. Preview and View Clipboard in Bible Bookmark similar to Verse List.
  2. New Popups preference: Compare/Parallel link as icon. This is to make (Compare) and the new (Parallel) link as icons for a more compact view.

    Compare/Parallel link as icon

    The 4 row icon is the Commentary link while the 3 column icon is the Parallel link.

  3. Bible Compare now has a special link to Arrange Bibles for Compare (Free, Premium and Deluxe), and selectable list of named selections for Jellybean and higher (Deluxe).

    Named compare list Named compare selection

  4. New preference Parallel in single column which is useful for smartphones where every translation is in a separate line similar to Compare (but unlike Compare which shows only one verse, the Parallel view shows one Chapter). This was inspired by OGNT-NET that has both NET and OGNT Greek text in the same module. Why not allow users to select what modules to have in a display similar to Compare but for the whole chapter, instead of creating custom Bible modules?

    Single column Parallel view

  5. Bible Parallel now has a special link to Arrange Bibles for Parallel (Free, Premium and Deluxe), and selectable list of named selections for Jellybean and higher (Deluxe).

    Named parallel list Named parallel selection

  6. Arrange Compare, Parallel, Commentaries and Dictionaries now have named selection (Deluxe) similar to Map Locations and Search Selection:
    1. Manage (add/remove/save/retrieve) named selection of modules
    2. Filter the list
    3. Select all/none
  7. Multiple language support in TTS for Popups and non-Bible views (Deluxe). The non-Bible module should have a lang attribute for block tags like p, div, h#, li, td or inline span using 2 or 3 letter ISO language code supported by Android/Java Locale. Compare and Parallel popups already injects the language.
  8. Editor improvement: insert verse with text will now include lang attribute in case the Bible has a specified language so that the TTS will work better supporting multiple languages.

Bugs Fixed in Version 9.3

  1. Text-to-speech in some devices crashes due to IllegalArgumentException or NullPointerException.
  2. Text-to-speech for Bible Compare scrolling is off by one translation.
  3. + sign in the RF tags in Bible (translators' notes) is not displayed in the popup.
  4. MySword restarts in Oreo when the WebView is killed by the system to reclaim memory.

We are making MySword better. Thank you for your feedback.

Enjoy using MySword!